CPCC and PCC Minutes

Co-ordinated Parochial Church Council held on 8th January 2024  in Chruch Cottage, Wheldrake

Present: The Revd J Doyle-Brett, (Chair), The Revd. M Waller, Mrs E Sherbourn- Spence (S/EC),  Mr S Reilly-Usher (S/EC), Mr I Broster(E), , Mrs E Garnham(T), Mr S Fell(T), Mrs J Crowder (T) Mrs R Smith(W), Mr E Smith (W),Dr A Hodgson(W), Mrs M Rawet(W), Mrs B Urwin(W), Mrs B Carter (W) Mr K Jaynes(W), Mrs A Dodd (W) Mr P Botting(W) Dr D Mawer (W) Mr G Denby (W), (minutes).

Apologies Mrs T Martin(W), Mr N Black (W), Dr J Young (E), Dr A Stead (E) Mrs S Wright (S/EC), Mrs J Patrick (T)

Before the meeting members were introduced to the new Partnership website. Mr Joe Priestley explained the construction of the website and the various functions which could be used. It was an impressive introduction and a valuable insight into the breadth of material available on the website. It is hoped to activate the site by the end of the month, and members will receive more detail in due course. Thanks were expressed to Mr. Priestley and to Mr D Brett who will both act as Website Administrators.

Opening Worship; The formal meeting began with prayer led by The Revd. J Doyle-Brett.

1/24Declaration of interest: None 
2/24Correction and adoption of minutes from 9th November 2023 The minutes were accepted as an accurate record, agreed nem con 
3/24Action points from the last meeting: There were none 
4/24The Priest in Charge’s report: The report had been circulated and was taken as read.   We had a wonderful Advent and Christmastide, a very big thank you to everyone who worked hard to make the services a joyous time. Most of the services saw increased attendance with some very full churches which is always a pleasure to behold. At the Carol Service on Christmas Eve at East Cottingwith we had 91 people attend – up from 68 the year before It really is wonderful to see new people attending and that is down to the people in the pews and our teams who really go the extra mile to invite and encourage people to attend our churches across the partnership at Christmas. If you have any feedback about the Advent/Christmas services please could you email me – we have our worship leaders meeting at the beginning of February where we will be reviewing all things Christmas and looking at any way we can improve. We also have our 5 Marks of Mission Team Co-ordinators meeting on the 8th January. If you have anything you would like to contribute again, do please email me. Since we last met, we had Gareth and Peter both ‘retire again’ and we are incredibly thankful and grateful for their contribution to our vision of making God’s love visible in our churches and villages. Luckily for me Gareth will continue as a PCC member for Wheldrake. We have new members joining Sutton and Escrick PCCs which is good news. Also, we have several people exploring their call to ministry which includes 2 people discerning a vocation to ordained ministry. Great signs of the Holy Spirit at work! At the next CPCC will be ‘showcasing’ the website. Joe Priestly has been working on this and I am grateful that a PCC member donated money towards the website production. A friend of my husband has given us access to his server free of charge. After both CPCCs Joe will take our feedback/suggestions and make any amendments with a hope of launching at the end of January. A website can be a really important tool for mission and I am pleased this project is nearly completed. During November and December, we saw some great fundraising across the partnership. Again, a big thank you to all those who organised and contributed in any way. At the last Church Wardens/Officers meeting we talked about having a 3 year plan of fundraising events – as soon as this is completed we will circulate (hopefully by the next meeting). We have had a positive and fruitful couple of months and I thank God for the many blessings bestowed on the partnership, with prayers answered. Prayer is our foundation – we put our vision of making God’s love visible in our villages to prayer. From January we will be intentionally praying for our 5 Marks of Mission leaders and teams as they work to make our vision a reality.  We also have a Deanery Prayer Diary which is launched this month for all to use for intercessory prayer.  Finally, I am delighted to report that 3 parishes (4 churches) Elvington, Sutton & East Cottingwith and Naburn applied for and have been approved as Registered Inclusive Churches – which is fabulous news!    Rev Doyle-Brett drew members’ attention to the final paragraph, in which three of our parishes had been approved as Registered Inclusive Churches. Rev Doyle-Brett was sending in the final form re. donations and then the churches would appear on the website. The approved churches can use the logo etc  from now on. 
5/24Partnership Policies: There were none to report 
6/24Deanery Plan: Deanery members were currently working on the production of a Deanery Prayer Diary, which would be circulated and available for both liturgical and personal use. 
7/24Safeguarding; The benefice has had two safeguarding verifiers, Dr Jo Young and the Revd Peter Burgess. Peter’s retirement means that we have only one at the moment, until the appointment of a new verifier who will be available in September.   Bible study groups are advertised as church activities and so safeguarding certification is required. Members are asked to let The Revd. M Waller have copies of their certification and to check the dates for renewal of Safeguarding and DBS. The benefice has a good record re Safeguarding and it is important that we maintain that. 
8/24Update on plans for growth: The website is a major step forward for the Partnership and will offer many opportunities. Individual PCC’s are asked to endure that they appoint Mr J Priestley and Mr D Brett as website co-ordinators. They are also asked to consider having one person to feed in information, to avoid excessive duplication. 
9/24Any Other Business;   Mr and Mrs S Fell have kindly invited members to West Grange Farm on Shrove Tuesday, 13th February for drinks and pancakes.   Simon Reilly -Usher from Sutton and East Cottingwith was welcomed as a new member.   Gareth Denby has agreed to act as Minute Secretary on a more permanent basis. 

Date of next Meeting: 7th March 2024 in Church Cottage Wheldrake.


Wheldrake Parochial Church Council meeting held on 8th January 2024  


Present: Mr K. Jaynes (minutes), Mr P Botting, Mrs R. Smith, Mr E Smith, Mrs B Carter (Chair), Mrs A Dodd, Dr A Hodgson, Mrs B. Urwin, Mrs M Rawet, Mr G Denby, Dr D Mawer  

Apologies: Mrs T. Martin, Mr N. Black


01/24 Declarations of Interest:    There were no declarations of interest     
02/24 Minutes of the meeting 9th November 2023:    The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting:   Proposed by Mr G Denby and Seconded by Mrs B Urwin – agreed Nem. con.   
03/24  Action Points: from Minutes of the meeting on 9th November 2023:   44/23: Mr Botting has sent pictures of the children’s area to the Archdeacon.  48/23: Mr Botting has approached an interested party in conjunction with Mrs B Urwin. Awaiting decision. (Agenda Item: 9) 62/23: Draft 2024 Budget to be proposed during the meeting               
05/24 Correspondence:  Any correspondence had all been circulated to the PCC members by email.  
06/24 Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of 2024 Draft Budget and Fees:  Mr K Jaynes, PCC Treasurer, apologised for the delay in producing the 2024 budget, but advised that it 2024 would be the final year that we should consider operating with a deficit budget funded from reserves. He presented the draft budget with the assumptions that had been made about likely levels of income and expenditure and confirmed that the details would be available to PCC members on the OneDrive site. Fees were discussed by the meeting and agreed for 2024 as: Organ Honorarium: £50 per Quarter.Wedding and Funeral fees for Vergers; Organ and Bells – as already agreed for the Partnership.Cottage: Advertising Parish News: Base box £65 and multiples thereof. The Budget and revised fees were proposed by Mr K Jaynes and Seconded by Mrs B Carter and approved by the meeting Nem. con. The Treasurer port had been circulated prior to the meeting and this was noted. This is available on the OneDrive site.            KJ
07/24 Fund Raising Activities, Dates & Co-ordinators / Teams: St. Crux: Mr K Jaynes noted that this year’s event had not been easy to staff or manage and, although he remained happy to continue to assist, he did not wish to continue as an organiser. The PCC concluded that this event be replaced in 2024 by a “Festive Fundraiser” planned in advance and managed by a team of Dr A Hodgson; Mrs B Carter;  Mrs M Rawet; Mr P Botting and Mr K Jaynes.Gift Day: As noted in the Budget proposals we should consider a Gift Day during the year since the previous event had been a success.   Fete: 11.05.2024was agreed as the date for the Fete. Mrs B Carter agreed to continue as Co-ordinator supported by an organising team and Mrs R Smith agreed to manage the catering.        
08/24  Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2024:  20.05.2024 was agreed as the date for the APCM.  
09/24 Warden’s Report: This had been circulatedvia OneDrive before the meeting. Mr P Botting, Churchwarden, reviewed the main issues and actions. In particular, the formation of a working party to tidy up in and around the Cottage. Mrs B Carter agreed to publish relevant information on Facebook. There was some discussion about the tidiness of the Churchyard with soil being placed on adjacent graves as new graves were dug. Mr P Botting noted that this was inevitable but there was no alternative.       BC 
10/24  Insurance Notifications: Two items noted: Walk of Witness – Good FridayOrgan Recital – 15.06.2024         
11/24  Safeguarding & Information Sharing:   Nothing noted  
12/24  AOB:   Mr K Jaynes noted that his wife Mrs Janet Jaynes intended to resign as Parish News Distributor at the end of 2024 although she would continue to deliver the Magazine locally. It was agreed that the position would be advertised in forthcoming issues of the Magazine.Mr David Brett has offered to maintain the new website, previewed earlier during the CPCC, with assistance from its designer Mr Joe Priestly. Confirmation was proposed by Dr A Hodgson, Seconded by Mr P Botting.PTA Christmas Fete: this raised £75. Tree planting donations of £5 each ensured that 10 trees would be planted in Australia (for Koalas) and 10 in Borneo (for Orangutans). Mrs A Dodd also noted that “all the bees had gone”! Revd. Jackie noted that this contributed to the Outreach Mark of Mission.        

Date of next CPCC meeting: 7.00pm 07.03.2024 – At Church Cottage Wheldrake    

Secretary for WPCC 07.03.2024: Mr P Botting   

Advance apologies: none  

WPCC meeting Chair: Mrs B Carter