The Parish of Wheldrake
Part of:

KEY EC.=East Cottingwith, E.=Elvington, ES. = Escrick, N. = Naburn, SF. = Stillingfleet, S.=Sutton, T.=Thorganby, W.= Wheldrake, RP. = Rivers Partnership, B = Benefice, D = Deanery
There are accessible toilets
Car parking by the church is limited
There is a hearing loop
Dogs are welcome
There are baby changing facilities
There is flat access to the building
Rivers Partnership Website link
For Livestreaming services go to YouTube and search for Derwent Ings Benefice, the services appear under the live tab. For zoom details use the login details in the diary. For assistance, email
RP. Livestream service from the Rivers Partnership
Sunday 12th January 6.30pm Evensong
Sunday 19th January 10.30am Holy Communion
Saturday 8th
RP. 6.30pm for 7.00pm Tear Fund Big Quiz in Church
Sunday 9th February 2025 – Fourth Sunday before Lent
ES. 8.30am Holy Communion
N. 9.00am Morning Worship
RP. 10.30am Zoom Morning Worship
Meeting ID: 830 5032 4356 Passcode: SundayMW
T. 10.30am All Age Holy Communion
S. 10.30am Holy Communion
SF. 4.00pm Bread and cake (HC)
ES. 4.00pm Fun@4
W. 6.30m Sung Evensong
E. 6.30pm Refresh
Monday 10th
RP. 8.00am Partnership Prayers at Wheldrake
E. 7.00pm Living Holiness (see poster)
RP. 7.30pm Home Group at 41 Cranbrooks
Tuesday 11th
W. 10.00am Coffee and Cake in the Cottage
W. 7.30pm Pudding and Praise in the Cottage
Wednesday 12th
B. 9.30am Healing PrayerFellowship at home
W. 10.30am Living Holiness (see poster)
RP. 7.00pm Zoom Evening Prayer
Meeting ID: 833 1996 8678 Passcode: 134900
Thursday 13th
ES. 9.30am Holy Communion
SF. 7.00pm Living Holiness (see poster)
W. 7.30pm Men’s Meeting in the Cottage
RP. 7.00pm Zoom singing
Meeting ID: 821 5303 0547 Passcode: 432358
Friday 14th
ES. 10.30am Living Holiness (see poster)
Sunday 16th February 2025 – Third Sunday Before Lent
T. 9.00am Holy Communion
ES. 10.30am Holy Communion
W. 10.30am Holy Communion
E. 4.00pm Together
Monday 17th
RP. 8.00am Partnership Prayer at Wheldrake
E. 7.00pm Living Holiness (see poster)
RP. 7.30pm Home Group at 41 Cranbrooks
Tuesday 18th
W. 7.30pm Pudding and Praise in the Cottage
Wednesday 19th
B. 9.30am Healing PrayerFellowship at home
W. 10.30am Living Holiness (see poster)
RP. 7.00pm Zoom Evening Prayer
Meeting ID: 833 1996 8678 Passcode: 134900
Thursday 20th
ES. 9.30am Holy Communion
SF. 7.00pm Living Holiness (see poster)
RP. 7.00pm Zoom singing
Meeting ID: 821 5303 0547 Passcode: 432358
Friday 21st
ES. 10.30am Living Holiness (see poster)
Saturday 22nd
RP. 1.00pm Knit and Natter in the Cottage
Sunday 23rd February 2025 – Second Sunday before Lent
N. 9.00am Holy Communion
ES. 10.30am Morning Prayer
T. 10.30am Five Parish All Age Communion
SF. 10.30am Family Service
Monday 24th
RP. 8.00am Partnership Prayers at Wheldrake
E. 7.00pm Living Holiness (see poster)
D. 7.00pm Deanery Zoom Prayers
RP. 7.30pm Home Group at 41 Cranbrooks
Tuesday 25th
W. 7.30pm Pudding and Praise in the Cottage
Wednesday 26th
B. 9.30am Healing PrayerFellowship at home
W. 10.30am Living Holiness (see poster)
RP. 7.00pm Zoom Evening Prayer
Meeting ID: 833 1996 8678 Passcode: 134900
Thursday 27th
SF. 7.00pm Living Holiness (see poster)
RP. 7.00pm Zoom singing
Meeting ID: 821 5303 0547 Passcode: 432358
Friday 28th
ES. 10.30am Living Holiness (see poster)
Sunday 2nd March – Sunday next before Lent
W. 9.00am Messy Breakfast
W. 9.30am Messy Church Service
E 10.30am Holy Communion
N. 10.30am Three Parish Holy Communion
S. 4.00pm Confirmation Service
W. Prayer Tree
If there is someone or a situation on your heart which you wish to bring before the Lord, you are invited to visit the prayer tree at the back of church and stop for a moment to write a prayer

W. Easter Flowers
If you would like to give some money towards decorating the church for Easter please put your contribution in an envelope and either hand to Paul Botting, or (448802) or leave on the collection plate. You could also help by making a donation towards the purchase of primroses for Mothering Sunday and if you would like to order a lily (£5) in memory of a loved one, to go into to apse flower arrangements, you would be most welcome. Again put any money into an envelope and mark it with your wishes and either give to Paul or put on the plate.
W. Borrowing amnesty
Over the years many items of church property have been borrowed and forgotten about. In preparation for the updating of the inventory could items be left on the chest under the tower. In particular we are looking for these items. The tombola drum, stacking chairs, a teapot, plates, the soup lunch banner, musical instruments, card tables a projector and music hymn books and service books. All future loans will be recorded by the wardens in the borrowing book, in church.
W. Churchyard repair work

Led in turn by our Deanery clergy each fourth Monday of the month, this takes place via Zoom on 24th February beginning at 7.00pm. All are welcome and we finish by 7.30pm. Join Zoom Meeting: Join Zoom Meeting link
Meeting ID: 837 5955 5973
Passcode: 037718

RP. Racial Justice Sunday
Racial Justice Sunday will be observed on February 9th, marking its 30th anniversary. It began in 1995 after the 1993 racist murder of Stephen Lawrence. This day prompts us to reflect on our progress in combating racism, focusing on remembering, reflecting, and responding. We remember the importance of racial justice, appreciate human diversity, and commit to ending racism through prayer and action. This year’s theme, “Coat of Many Colours,” highlights the growing diversity within our churches.
B. Home Fellowship Group
The home group meets on Mondays at 7.30pm till 9pm at 41, The Cranbrooks with Steve and Val Hirons. The Bible topic at the moment is the Names, Titles and Attributes of God in both the Old and New testaments, a subject which will last us for quite some time! We choose hymns to begin and end our discussion time and close with the Grace.
Newcomers are very welcome.
RP. Coffee and cake
Coffee and Cake will take place in Church Cottage on Tuesdays from 10 till noon on 11th February, 4th and 18th March, 1st and 29th April, 13th May 10th and 24th and 8th July.
RP. Sharing Life
Sharing Life is back in the Wenlock Arms every fortnight 10-noon on a Tuesday, term time only.
Dates for the diary: (18th Feb half term no meet up), 25th February, 11th March, 25th March.
New comers always welcome!
Katie, Ruth, Karen and Emma.
Sharing Life 07729 841897 or
RP. Derwent Lions Used Spectacles
This is just a note to say Thank You to the person or persons who left a large amount of used spectacles on my doorstep. They are a huge help and Lions will make sure they are used to assist less fortunate people in seeing better. Keep leaving them outside 5 Derwent Park and hopefully we’ll be able to keep helping those less fortunate.
Lion Ken Hardgrave 01904 448198
RP. Harmony House
Harmony House is a boutique B&B, in Stillingfleet, offer unique Christian retreats for solo guests, couples and small groups, who are seeking a peaceful and restorative break. Whether you’re looking for a revitalising escape or a transformative personal retreat, we have created an experience suited to your needs. Our Anew Christian Retreats are a haven created with care for Christians seeking rest and a deeper connection with God in a serene and picturesque setting. For more details and testimonies, please check out the retreat page on our website:
And new for 2024 – Anew Discovery Retreats – designed for those seriously seeking Jesus and wanting to discover more about the Christian faith and even themselves.
W. Wheldrake Church Cottage Cleaning Team

We need your help. Are you able to spare an hour a month to assist in cleaning Church Cottage. Everything is provided on site. If you are able to help, please contact
Barbra on 07712556371. Thank you for your support
ES. Mothers Union.
The only branch in the Rivers Partnership is based in Escrick and would welcome new members. You don’t have to be a mother or even female; membership is open to all who have been baptised. If you are not baptised but still interested, that could be arranged.
MU meetings are open to all and visitors are welcome. No pressure to become a member, just enjoy the session. If you are considering membership, but would like to meet nearer to home, come and meet us and we will help you to establish a branch nearer to you. You will have scope to tailor it to local availability. Some branches meet in the local pub. Escrick meet on the second Wednesday afternoon of the month as all of our members are retired, but we have held our summer meetings in the lighter evenings. MU is a fabulous charity working to improve the lives of so many in countries world-wide, not through other charities but with our own members on the ground, be they local or visitors. I hope this has sparked your interest.
Pamela Yates, Branch Leader, tel 01904 728423.
RP. The Rivers Partnership Prayers for the Five Marks of Mission.
Across the partnership the five marks of mission teams are helping to make our Plan For Growth (P4G) a reality. Please use this prayer cycle to include the teams and those who lead them in your daily prayers.
Tell To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom (Led by Catharine Grievson)
Teach To teach, baptise and nurture new believers (Led by Jackie Doyle Brett)
Tend To respond to human need by loving service
Transform To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation (Led by Caroline Wanless)
Treasure To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth. (Led by Alayne Dodd and Alison Stead)
9th Tend, 16th Teach, 23rd Treasure
RP. Worship music
Click the link to take you to YouTube
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
- Online bitesize verse of the day:
- Scripture Union Daily Bible reading and comments and prayer. Type in Scripture Union Wordlive today and then scroll down to Read Today’s wordlive,
or go straight to:
- United Christian broadcasters, UCB, have a daily verse with thoughts to follow up. Type in UCB word for today UK
or go straight to:
There are also plenty of websites to look at if you google daily Bible videos for children & daily bible videos for teenagers.
2 Fish Talks- Daily Bible Stories Kids Devotions,
These can be ordered from Eden books. but do have to be paid for.
Alternatively United Christian broadcasters, UCB will send free Bible reading notes quarterly. You can sign up at or contact Catharine if you are unable to do so.
For children and teenagers there are booklets too. Hands-On Bible 365 Devotions for Kids Paperback Snapshots 365!
W. Lent Lunches
This years lent lunches will take place on 12th, 19th, 26th March and 2nd and 9th April in Church Cottage everyone welcome. We will need helpers to provide soup and bread and help on the day, a sign up sheet will be available at on the library bookshelves soon. Proceeds will be donated to Water Aid.
RP. Collect for – The fourth Sunday before Lent
RP. Multiply Stories
Multiply is the name of an initiative to build new worshiping communities and make new disciples. This link can be used to read about the work that is going on around the Diocese
W. Wheldrake online giving
If you would like to support the church financially and help us maintain it for generations to come then please follow this link to donate online
alternatively you can give by bank transfer to: Wheldrake PCC
E. Elvington Church Drop-in Café
Our next Drop in Coffee Morning is on Wednesday 26th February in church at 10.00am. All welcome.
RP. Safeguarding Bulletin – Updated 31.02.25
Click this link for the latest news from this team
W. Wheldrake Church Website
This is the link to the website here you will find policy documents, agendas and PCC minutes along with prayers and pew news
RP. Living Christ Story – Mustard Seed updated 29.02.24
Click on this link to read more about the work of Mustard Seed in the Diocese
RP. Sunday Reflection
This week’s Sunday reflection comes from The Ven Andy Broom Archdeacon of the East Riding.Every week we offer a new prayer video for churches to use either online or in their services.
RP. Organ Recital
Organist Jonathan Scott performs his solo organ arrangement of Radetzky March Op. 228 by Johann Strauss I at the organ of The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester,
RP. Lord’s Prayer Tour
Archbishop Stephen will launch ‘The Lord’s Prayer Tour’, part of the Faith in the North initiative in which he will speak across the north of England about the ongoing relevance of the Lord’s Prayer in today’s world, at an event in York Minster at 3.30pm on Friday 7th March, to which all are welcome. Free tickets for this event will be available by the end of January on York Minster’s website. Read more HERE

RP. Diocese of York – Publications
If you would like to read ‘The Briefing’ then follow this link:
You can also read the TheNews with this link
and finally you can use this link to the Diocesan Prayer Diary.
RP. Church Electoral Roll – 2025 Renewal |
The church’s electoral roll is the register of its voting members. Enrolment is a way of saying “I belong”. It is an act of commitment to your church and tells us that you want to be involved in the life of our parish church – by your attndance, the use of your gifts and by your financial support. This year we are required to create a new electoral roll, meaning those currently on the roll must re-apply.
Over the coming weeks, those currently on the Electoral Roll will be contacted and invited to complete a new application form. However, if you are able to pick up a
form in Church, and complete it straightaway, that would be most helpful.
RP. Generosity Matters updated 09.10.24
Click on this link to read the latest news from the generosity team.
This week we are remembering the Treasurers of the churches in the Rivers Partnership. It would be good to have contribution from anyone in the benefice, so please email ( your suggestions for thankyou’s for your villages
T. Thorganby Coffee Drop in
The next one will be on 20th February in the Village Hall. All welcome

RP. Multiply Stories
Multiply is the name of an initiative to build new worshiping communities and make new disciples. This link can be used to read about the work that is going on around the Diocese
RP. Tools with a mission- updated 14.01.25
This link will take you to the latest newsletter from TWAM
B. Derwent Ings Facebook
Have you seen the Derwent Ings Facebook page? Please have a look and”follow” the feed!
W. Wheldrake Church Website
This is the link to the website here you will find policy documents, agendas and PCC minutes along with prayers and pew news
RP. CPCC and WPCC Minutes
The minutes for the last CPCC are published on the Wheldrake Church website.
W. Wheldrake online giving
If you would like to support the church financially and help us maintain it for generations to come then please follow this link to donate online
alternatively you can give by bank transfer to: Wheldrake PCC
RP. Diocese of York Prayer Diary

There is always somewhere, something or someone we can pray for. The Prayer Diary may help guide you and your church in praying for our diocese.
This week, we are praying for:
Porvoo Communion
- Church in Wales: Diocese of Bangor, Archbishop Andrew John, Bishop David Morris
- Church of Ireland: Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough, Archbishop Michael Jackson
South Africa Diocese of Saldanha Bay, for its diocesan office, staff, and all who work, minister and serve there.
Download this prayer diary
RP. Online prayer websites
Here are some prayer sites that you could try, see which you like
Pray as you go
Celtic liturgies
Sacred Space
Green Christian Prayer Guide
RP. Join in Worship on a Sunday
92-95FM | 198LW | Digital
Love’s Journey: Writer and broadcaster Richard Littledale is joined by some friends as they walk up and over the Great Orme, a rocky headland in North Wales. What is the longer view of love in life’s ups and downs?
E. New way to donate to the church
If you would like to support the church financially and help us maintain it for generations to come, you can now also send donations using the “givealittle” website
We next meet together on zoom to sing on Thursday 13th February. If you would like to join, do use the login details in the diary. We meet at 7.00pm, we’ll do some new some old and familiar ones and some to learn. The beauty of this will be that you can sing at the top of your voice as you will be on mute.
E. Refresh! Service at Elvington

The next Refresh service at Elvington in will be in February 9th for a service – focused around worship music, modern and informal in style. Please do come along at 6.30pm.
E. Elvington Church Website
Cheryl Corney
Prayer Area
Beckside, Alvin Walk Beck Close, Belvoir Avenue (Elvington)
Please use these notes for your own reference during the week and for your prayers