Derwent Deanery Partnership

Minutes of meeting held in Holy Trinity, Stockton-on-Forest
on 29 January 2024 at 7.30pm.
Present: Revd Nick Garside, Revd Kath McBride (chair), Mrs Tracy Carr,
Mrs Margaret Eldridge.Mr John Ellwood, Mrs Alison Gilmour (secretary), Mrs Anne Gray,
Mrs Judith Hewitt, Mr Phil McBride, Mrs Susan Sellers, Mrs Caroline Wandless, and
Mrs Julie Wainwright. There were also attendees from Barlby, Elvington, Escrick, Osbaldwick and
Wheldrake as a result of our invitations to all PCC members and treasurers.
Revd Kath McBride, who was chairing the meeting, welcomed us all to Holy Trinity and thanked
the team who had prepared tea and biscuits for us.
1 Caroline Wandless opened the meeting with prayer.
We then dealt with the business papers of the meeting, leaving the Generous Giving Team the
remainder of our our time together.
3 Apologies for absence: Apologies for absence were received from several who were
involved with the extra-ordinary meeting of Diocesan Synod – Revd Jackie Doyle-Brett and
Revd Jan Nobel, Canon Linda Ali, and Paul Botting and Terri Martin. Also from Claire Bale and
Steve Wilson.
4 Minutes of the previous meeting: these were accepted as correct unanimously and signed
by Revd Kath as a true record. There were no matters arising.
5 Reports: the reports from DLT and Diocesan Synod had been circulated and were taken
as read.
2 Jan Grey opened by explaining that she and Phil McBride work together with di fferent
areas of interest.. She works with “Why would we give more?” while Phil covers “How we give
more” and together they aim to give practical support to help all parishes look at their
requirements and grow their work and mission.
She want us each to look at theology, our thinking, to see our giving as a con fident joyful
expression of ministry with a focus on serving one another. We ask for help to resource our
mission, not to save our church. As we move towards Jesus generosity inevitably grows.
Phil spoke about enabling accessible giving. We should emphasis what the gifts will be
used for, reassure the donors that it will be used beneficially, show how it has been used. Regular
giving can be by Direct Debit, Standing Order or via the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). Unique QR
codes can be used by each parish, and contactless giving machines are available too (often used
by visitors and those attending occasional offices). The Team will assist you with selection from
these and help to create publicity for you.
Jan and Phil are available to support in whatever way a PCC requests, from basic
information to assisting with a full campaign for generous giving and stewardship. Contact them
via the website.
In response to questions Phil said that he is currently investigating whether there is now a
difference in giving by machine to that from an open plate, and is working on comparisons
between donations via open plate and PGS, (poss 10% inc with PGS). It was pointed out that
much information is available on the Diocesan website –
Revd Kath closed the meeting with the Grace.
The meeting closed at 8.50pm.